Monday, May 21, 2007

Post #1

Hi everyone! I was reading everyone else's blogs for their trips over the summer, and thought that even though I probably won't be able to update mine in country, I could start one now to update you on my preparations before I go and share stories when I come home! I leave in 20 days! I can't believe its here already!

For those of you who don't know, I am leading a trip with Adventures in Missions to Swaziland for a month this summer. I am working with two other leaders and twelve 15-20 year old girls! I could not be more excited to see what God is going to do in their lives as well as the lives of the Swazis over the summer! We will be staying at a carepoint for AIDS orphans and doing lots of relational evangelism. Hopefully we'll also get to spend some time praying over people in hospitals in the area. However, that's about all I know about what we are doing. It's a little scary, but I know God is working out all the details, and I can't wait to see where his spirit leads!

Please pray for me as I am preparing myself spiritually to be a leader to these 12 wonderful girls! I know that my own leaders had and continue to have such an impact on my life from my past trip to Kenya, and I hope to be used by God in the same way in each of these girl's lives! It's coming so soon, and I don't feel at all ready, but I know God will be working in my as I am out of control and he is in control!!

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